
Baillie Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund’s objectives are to fairly and reasonably disburse funds resulting from the receipt of the annual grant of £100,000 from Baillie Wind Farm for the general benefit of the public living within the current boundaries of the West Caithness Community Council as the directors see fit. The Fund may also consider applications from educational and sporting organisations from other community council areas in Caithness and North Sutherland.

The Fund welcomes applications from residents, clubs, societies, groups, businesses or business start-ups in the West Caithness area.

Details of the West Caithness Community Council boundaries can be found here.

We encourage applicants to contact us if there are any aspects of the application form or process that they require assistance with or further information on.

Contact the Fund on 01847 500105 or email for any assistance in filling out the form.

Dates and deadlines

Meeting date Details Closing date
17/04/2025Funding application date07/04/2025
5:00 pm
17/07/2025Funding application date07/07/2025
5:00 pm
16/10/2025Funding application date06/10/2025
5:00 pm

Baillie Windfarm Community Benefit Fund
Naver Business Centre, Naver House, Naver Road, Thurso

Registered in Scotland: SC455608

T: 01847 500105

Design by Navertech